When Is My Payment Due? And the answer is…it depends. “When is my payment due” is one of the top questions COBRA members ask our support team.
Archive | COBRA Regulations
What is the Cobra Disability Extension?
The purpose of the disability extension is to act as a bridge to allow disabled individuals to remain on Cobra until they become entitled to Medicare. Individuals who have been deemed disabled by the Social Security Administration can extend their coverage for an additional 11 months for a total of 29 months of coverage.

FSA, COBRA and Rollover: It’s Complicated
The inner workings of how FSAs and COBRA interact create complications that require detailed clarification. One such topic is how FSA rollovers impact COBRA premiums. If it seems confusing, don’t feel bad. It’s a confusing topic for even the most seasoned HR professional.

Headcounts Matter
However, there are a few exceptions. Federal government plans and certain church plans are not subject to COBRA. Small employers are also exempt, but one needs to be careful when determining its size.

The COBRA Initial Notice – Are You Compliant?
Did you know that one of the most important COBRA notices is the “initial notice” or what is referred to as the “general rights notice”? Properly providing this notice is frequently overlooked by employers or the method of delivery does not meet COBRA compliance regulations.

The $84,385.17 postage stamp…don’t let it happen to you.
Considering an $84,385.17 potential fine for one missed mailing, are you sure you mailed all your COBRA notices? Perhaps it is worth double checking. And the most important question of all, do you have records to prove your notices were mailed?